Funny post title. When I was carrying all our children before their birth we called them Wally 1, Wally 2, and Wally 3. The name has stuck and as I was having my quiet time with the Lord this morning I thought of how Wednesdays can be our days of sharing the Wisdom we are gaining through spreading joy.
So the wisdom that we shared this morning before daddy took all of them to have donuts was how God takes everything and makes it good for His glory. It is hard to imagine this when we are hurting, cancer strikes, a job gets lost, or your child does not take on your faith as their own. However, God has shown our family we can stand firm in His plan that he knows what today brings, he forgives what happened yesterday if we messed up, and he holds tomorrow in his hands. His mercies are new everyday for us. What FREEDOM!Today's Wise Words for Wally's is that our response to having no one we know in class, having a teacher we do not click with yet, rejection, physical pain reveals if we really believe the Truth from God's word. So as we walk through this week we are asking ourselves, "Do I live as though I believe God works in everything to bring out the good?"We are claiming Romans 8:28 for ourselves this week. In our kitchen I have a plate where I write the verse we are gaining wisdom from. I also love fresh flowers because the make me smile!
Having this wisdom helps me go through my to-do list asking what is His purpose this week. So here is my list of all the things I want to do to bring Him glory to join Him in working good out of everything:
- Write a note to a friend who is hurting
- Have coffee with a new friend
- Call another new mom and invite her daughter to Kathryn's bible study.
- Kiss my kids more
- Not just ask how their day was, LISTEN.
- Take more photos of what they are doing each day...reading, playing Stack the States, Homework.
- Pray for my husband's busy schedule that he would be sustained.
- Ask my husband, "What can I do for you today?", DO IT.
This was on our Honeymoon. Wow we were young!