My moments with God have spanned across almost twenty years since I did not come to know Him until my mid-twenties. OK that gives away my age (ha, ha). Seriously, my time with God is something I crave. I know that I am a better wife and mother if I have spent time before others rise with the one who made me, knows me, loves me unconditionally, and forgives me. My favorite place to meet with Him is my chair in the family room. I long each day to meet Him here and allow Him to uncover what He has for me for the day.
My favorite type of quiet time is just going through a book of the bible unpacking it verse, by verse. I will use the verses to journal and pray to the Lord from the same verses. For instance, I am currently going through Hebrews with our couples small group. So we are on Chapter 8. So I commit to reading a few verses each day. Then I take those verses and answer, "What does this say about God?", "What does this say about me?", "What do I not understand?", "How can I apply this today?", "Who can I share a verse today?".
My favorite type of quiet time is just going through a book of the bible unpacking it verse, by verse. I will use the verses to journal and pray to the Lord from the same verses. For instance, I am currently going through Hebrews with our couples small group. So we are on Chapter 8. So I commit to reading a few verses each day. Then I take those verses and answer, "What does this say about God?", "What does this say about me?", "What do I not understand?", "How can I apply this today?", "Who can I share a verse today?".
I am amazed at how He speaks to me, how I have learned His character by studying His word. I also am currently helping lead a women's bible study so on alternate days I am reading the material and answering the questions for each week. I love how they weave together and give my heart variety in learning about God. I personally love journaling and have for years. I am not able to do it daily, but make it part of my week. I also love pretty journals that my girls and I make such as the one below.
We all have busy lives and can walk away from our quiet time and not live as if we ever had it. So I have learned how to help myself remember what He has shown me throughout the day. One way is to write a verse from my time on the plate you see in the picture above. This plate sits on my island, the center of our home, and all who sit to partake see it. I love to talk about these verses with my kids before they go off to school or as they return from school over their snacks. I also always have my favorite devotional beside it for a quick intake of His truth during the day. My favorite is Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry T. Blackaby & Richard Blackaby. I have seen the following verse lived out in my life when I commit to reading His word:
"For the word of God is living and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword...
and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
and sharper than any two-edged sword...
and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
On my own my thoughts make me overwhelmed, my heart leads me astray, but Jesus says,
"Don't let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God and trust also in me (Jesus)."
John 14:1 NLT
Trust in God and trust also in me (Jesus)."
John 14:1 NLT
I have learned through the years the only way to Trust in God or Jesus is to know their character, their promises, and the truth. The only way to know these aspects of God is to know the Word of God, to regularly meet with Him. I hope this encourages you to make the time for Him the one who can calm the storm, bring pure joy and heal our wounds. Also I have learned if I do not take the time today, His mercies are new tomorrow.
Spreading Joy for Him,
Love your post Shari! So glad you are joining the link up! Reading about others Quiet Times is so inspirational and encouraging. Love seeing your pictures!!! I am going to look up the Experiencing God devotional. I LOVE that study and had no idea it also had a devotional!!! Great great post!!